Board of Trustees Group


Consistent with good governance standards in the investment industry, Trustees need to have the skills and knowledge necessary to understand the basics of investments, economics, business, and financial management and how those matters affect the ability of the Trust to achieve its mandate. Those requirements, on top of the responsibility to preserve and grow the Settlement Payments for all future generations of Inuit of Nunavut, mean that the role of Nunavut Trust Trustee is both challenging and rewarding. The people serving as Trustees carry a very heavy weight on their shoulders but take great pride in the accomplishments of the Trust so far.

Trustees follow a strong code of conduct in carrying out their responsibilities and must put the achievement of the Trust mandate above all other considerations. Each Trustee acts on behalf of all past, present, and future Inuit of Nunavut in the carrying out of their responsibilities, not just the interests of the region that appointed them.

Each of the three Regional Inuit Associations in Nunavut appoints two trustees to the board of Nunavut Trust for three-year terms. Trustees can be re-appointed when their term expires. The Trustees themselves appoint a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson from among the current board of trustees. Currently the Trustees serving on the Board are:

Archie Angnakak appointed by Qikiqtani Inuit Association, Chairperson
Johnny Manning appointed by Qikiqtani Inuit Association
Dorothy Gibbons appointed by Kivalliq Inuit Association
Nancy Karetak-Lindell appointed by Kivalliq Inuit Association
Kassidy Koaha-Laube appointed by Kitikmeot Inuit Association
TBD appointed by Kitikmeot Inuit Association

Trustees over the years have dedicated their time to serve the Trust and the powerful mandate it has before it. Some have served for more than 15 years while other equally valued Trustees have served a single term. We recognize all that have served and thank them on behalf of the Inuit of Nunavut for their contributions.

Trustees Group Shot
Over 20 years of service

Jack Kupeuna
Dorothy Gibbons

15-20 years of service

Bill Lyall

10-15 years of service

Charlie Lyall
James Arreak
Archie Angnakak

5-10 years of service

Nute Arnauyumayuq
Mark Evaluardjuk
Clara Wingnek

1-5 years of service
Paul Quassa
Madelaine Manitok
Okalik Eegeesiak
David Toolooktook
Malachi Arreak
Pauloosie Paniloo
Pudloo Mingeriak
Joan Scottie
Thomas Suluk
Darrell Ohokanoak
Peter Tapatai
Barnie Aggark
Kassidy Koaha-Laube
Levinia Brown
Yvo Airut
Helen Klengenberg
Kirt Ejesiak
Minnie Tatty
Johnny Attagutsiak
Silas Arngna’naaq
Sakiasie Sowdlooapik
Moshi Kotierk
Donat Milortuk
Dennis Lyall
Peter Tatty
Johnny Manning
Nancy Karetak-Lindell
Christy Sinclair